Crisis Action System (CAS) Levels
Crisis Action System Levels codify the activity levels of Franklin County Emergency Management and Homeland Security (FCEM&HS) response and set into motion activities to enhance the support of events or incidents occurring in Franklin County or that may potentially impact Franklin County.
CAS Level 1 - Steady State Assessment
Daily operations, No suggested information or intelligence of major impacts to public safety.
CAS Level 2- Enhanced Assessment (MACC)
Information or intelligence suggest specific hazards with the potential to cause significant impact to public safety such as severe weather.
CAS Level 3 - MACC Support
Large, multi-jurisdictional preplanned events or jurisdictional request for support.
CAS Level 4 - EOC Support
Multi-jurisdictional or county-wide response to large incidents or events exhibiting significant risk to community lifelines, public safety and/or property